Where the foxes say good night to the cats
Foxes at La Rogaia

In May, the fox lady was suddenly slim, but all the more hungry. Our cook Ornella had immediately grown fond of her and had christened her "Nina". Of course she branched off some treats from the kitchen for Nina.
Again and again, we observed her how she tried to stuff her mouth with food and run away. Or she would try to carry away the pet bowl, usually under greater losses of its contents. So Ornella went over to fill food in paper bags. Nina only had to appear in front of the kitchen door and reveived her "daily shopping bag" to take away.
In June Nina finally presented to us her kids. From then onwards tree foxes romped around in the garden and invented all sorts of nonsense. Especially shoes were popular with them, but also T-shirts and towels that were hung on garden chairs. Also dog leashes, belts and even soft toys disappeared in no time. Fortunately nearly everything was to be retrieved again intact on the meadow below the house.
The cheeky creatures even ventured into the house and inspected kitchen cabinets and shoe racks ! So we had to warn all our guests of the small "thieves".
In autumn, two of the foxes probably moved on to a new hunting ground, so that now only one female drops by twice a day to say hello. But soon it will be spring, and also foxes do not like to remain alone in spring ...
Photos: Werner Duchene