Carnival in Tuscany and Umbria
Crazy days in Perugia and Foiano della Chiana

Fare Bella Figura
In Italy Carnival is celebrated in many towns. But in contrast to the more northern Carnival parades it is not about "ass off." It is rather a "beauty contest in masks". And no one would appear in a ridiculous costume - that would be totally inappropriate!
No, at carnival you also have to make "Bella Figura". You are supposed to look different from the usual but the most important is: Be beautiful!
And the excessive use of alcohol, an integral part of the carnival culture in other countries, is also frowned upon. In Venice during carnival drunken visitors - mostly tourists from the north - are being removed from the festivities by friendly but firm carabinieri ...
You can have fun, yes. But be well-mannered, please!
And our daughter Amira of course is happy to be a beautiful "Primavera" in the carnival parade of Perugia.

Carnival in Foiano della Chiana
In Foiano della Chiana every year a particularly colorful parade takes place. The different districts ("contrade") compete with their cars and masked dance groups for the first carnival price.
Huge superstructures squeeze through the narrow streets of the tiny old town and every year many homeowners fear for their balconies.
And of course there is music at every corner until your ears drop ...