Photo Workshop "Visual Storytelling"
Tell a story with your camera

René van Bakel, internationally renowned and award-winning photographer, is looking for the stories behind the clichés. He photographs people, their emotions, their warmth, their expressive gestures and movements.
He photographs what they like to do, for example to cook and to eat (just like himself!).
He is looking for pictures off the beaten track, without losing his admiration for the grandeur of the Tuscan countryside.
And he loves to share his passion for photography, for enjoyment and for good food and drink.
During his photography workshop at La Rogaia from August 27 to September 3, 2016 he would like to take you on a journey to some of his favourite places in Umbria and Tuscany.
A journey for all the senses - not only with the eye and the camera!
More information about the photography class with René van Bakel. Click here!
Book NOW! Late deal offer: EUR 200 discount per person per week
Have a look at more pictures from Tuscany and Umbria by René van Bakel
Wolfgang Sandt has participated in one of René's photo workshops.
Here is his comment:
"I participated in a workshop with René van Bakel at La Rogaia and in spite of being an artist and already knowing quite a bit about taking good photos I have to admit: I learned a lot.
So I strongly recommend this workshop unless you are already an internationally acknowledged star photographer.
Thumbs up!"
More information about the class. Click here!
Book NOW! Late deal offer: EUR 200 discount per person per week