Places worth to see in Umbria
Assisi, Perugia, Citta di Castello

Umbrian towns offer you many attractions, the flair of Italian life and first rank art treasures, from the Etruscans to Giotto and Raphael and the contemporary "Arte Povera" of Alberto Burri .
Assisi is the spiritual capital of Umbria and worth a visit not only for pilgrims. The Basilica of San Francesco with its soul-stirring frescoes by Giotto and the mysterious dark crypt are - beyond all art-historical significance - a poignant, even mystical place. The right place to recharge.
Walk through the ancient oak and chestnut forests to the Hermitage of St. Francis of Assisi on the slopes of Monte Subasio. Capture the spirituality of this truly special place like the Franciscan monks did for centuries, and enjoy a break from the hectic world outside.
Assisi lets the Middle Ages come to life. Yet is anything but a pious museum. On the small piazza, in front of the facade of the temple of Minerva , you can let go pass by the tranquil life of a small country town, of course with a cappuccino and a slice of delicious "Rocciata di Assisi", a kind of spicy apple strudel .
Perugia is often a little in the shadow of its neighbor Assisi - quite wrongly.
Perugia is a beautiful hill town and once was one of the twelve Etruscan capital cities. Therefore it is not unusual that the excavation of a pit - as happened a few years ago - brings to light magnificent Etruscan tombs. The rich grave goods are on display in the Archaeological Museum, plus - and this is something you find hardly anywhere else - a quaint collection of amulets and votive offerings from two millennia.
For lovers of Italian Renaissance: See the frescoes by Perugino in the “Collegio del Cambio” and early works by Raphael.
Perugia has the atmosphere of a lively university town, it is young and international. The highlight of the year is certainly the Umbria Jazz Festival, which offers concerts with the most famous jazz musicians of our times. The whole town celebrates with free open -air concerts in the breathtaking surroundings in front of the Cathedral and on the main piazzas. You are welcome to join and enjoy yourself.
Citta di Castello and the Upper Tiber Valley
Citta di Castello is a lovely small town in the Tiber valley and the birthplace of contemporary artist Alberto Burri, representative of the “Arte Povera”.
Burri´s smaller works are displayed in the Museum of the Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini, his large installations in the former tobacco factory (Ex Seccatoi Tabacchi ) . If you are interested in contemporary art these are places you will love!
Just north of Citta di Castello you will find works by the renaissance painter Piero della Francesca: San Sepolcro has a stunning resurrection of Christ exhibited in the "Museo Civico di Sansepolcro", Monterchi the heart-moving pregnant Madonna del Parto (exhibited in a small museum of its own). ´
The village of Montone, not far from Citta di Castello, wakes up from its slumber every July when the UmbriaFilmFestival brings in international guests from the great world of movies: a must for true cinephiles.
Author: Annette Greifenhagen