Recipes from the "Decameron": Pasta with Leek and Walnuts
Recipe "Pasta al sugo di porro con noci"

Ingredients for 4 persons:
300 to 400 g linguine, 3 sticks of leek, olive oil, 500 g tomatoes in pieces from a can, 1 cup of peeled walnuts, salt, sugar, pepper, (possibly grated Parmesan)
• Chop the walnuts and toast them in a frying pan
• Cut the leek into rings, rinse with warm water, drain
• Steam the leek in olive oil
• After about 5 minutes, add the canned tomatoes, season with salt, sugar and pepper.
• In the meantime, cook the pasta.
• Place the pasta on plates and add the sauce, sprinkle with walnuts and serve immediately.
• If desired, sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese
Buon Appetito!
from Amira
Pasta with leek and walnuts
Speeking of leeks

Even a simple vegetable like leeks has found its way into world literature!
You can find it in a bon mot in Boccaccio's "Decameron", in the introduction to the stories of the fourth day:
"As for those who go railing anent mine age, it would seem they know ill that, for all the leek hath a white
head, the tail thereof is green.
Certes, it is only those, who, having neither sense nor cognizance of the pleasures and potency of
natural affection, love you not nor desire to be loved of you, that chide me thus; and of these I reck little."
You can find the whole story HERE (on pages 140 to 143)