Recipes from the "Decameron": "Stuck in paradise" and an Orange-Fennel-Carpaccio
In the paradise garden of the "Decameron"

„The dawn from vermeil began to grow orange-tawny, at the approach of the sun, when on the Sunday the
queen arose and caused all her company rise also.
The queen, then, with slow step, accompanied and followed by her ladies and the three young
men and guided by the song of some score nightingales and other birds, took her way westward, by a
little-used footpath, full of green herbs and flowers.
Amiddleward the garden was a plat of very fine grass, so green that it seemed well nigh black, enamelled all with belike a thousand kinds of flowers and closed about with the greenest and lustiest of orange and citron trees, the which, bearing at once old fruits and new and flowers, not only afforded the eyes a pleasant shade, but were no less grateful to the smell.“
With these sentences Boccaccio introduces the stories for the third day of the “Decameron”, wherein
„is discoursed of such as have by dint of diligence acquired some much desired thing or recovered some lost good"
Here you can find the full text on page 98

We don't have orange trees in our garden, but we do have fennel.
Amira has grown it and she harvested it a few days ago.
From this she made us a delicious carpaccio with oranges and olives.
Here is her recipe:
"Carpaccio di arance, finocchio e olive nere"

Fennel and orange carpaccio
Ingredients for 4 persons:
2 fennel bulbs, 2 oranges, a handful of black olives without stone, fresh rosemary, salt, pepper, olive oil
• Cut the fennel into very fine slices and keep the leaves.
• Peel the oranges and cut them into very thin slices.
• Cut the olives into slices.
• Arrange the fennel and the oranges on a plate.
• Add the olives and sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper.
• Decorate with fresh rosemary and fennel leaves.
from Amira
Carpaccio mit Orangen und Fenchel
"Stuck in Paradise"
We live in La Rogaia in a little paradise, especially now in May, when everything is green and blooming.
Almost as beautiful as the garden that Boccaccio describes in the “Decameron”.
My sister and I enjoy the garden, but now we have been "stuck in paradise" for two months.
Since March 8, I have not been anywhere else but in La Rogaia.
What do I miss most?
My friends!
What do I long for most?
To meet my friends and drink bubble tea in our favorite bar at Perugia.
At least in the next few weeks this is will not yet be allowed. But maybe my mom and dad will think of something for my 19th birthday on May 13th ...
After all, in the stories from Boccaccio they talk
"of such as have by dint of diligence acquired some much desired thing or recovered some lost good“!
Until then, this is my musical tip for today:
„Stuck in paradise“ by Mark Gable and Melinda Schneider
With love from Aurora
Orange Blossoms
And of course my dad has to add a tango that came to his mind while eating the orange carpaccio:
Naranja en flor, sung by the famous Argentine singer Roberto Goyeneche
A tango with the scent of orange blossoms ...