Rogaia Blog

"Festa dei Barbari" in Castel Rigone
"Festa dei Barbari" in Castel Rigone

Events at Lake Trasimeno in July 2015

The second half of July is rich in events in Passignano sul Trasimeno.

First the "Palio dell Barche", the traditional boat race on Lake Trasimeno. It is celebrated with lots of food music and historical races for a whole week. Then at the end of July the "Festa dei Barbari" in our village Castel Rigone, a wild spectacle that leads back to the time of the Goths. And the "Trasimeno Blues Festival" with great concerts every night in Passignano and in other villages around the lake.

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Messaggi d'amore, Wolfgang Sandt, La Rogaia
Messaggi d'amore, Wolfgang Sandt, La Rogaia

Sculpture garden La Rogaia, Umbria

Wolfgang Sandt, German sculptor with a second home in Umbria, has designed the surroundings of Villa La Rogaia into a sculpture garden. Spread over an area of several acres, visitors can go on a discovery tour: sometimes the sculptures will fall straight into the eye, sometimes they are hidden in niches or they are almost covered by plants. The sculptures always enter into a dialogue with the environment. They draw the viewer's eye towards a dreamy angle or a special tree. Or they invite the spectator to enjoy the view over the wide Umbrian hills.

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Tango week with Wolfgang and Annette
Tango week with Wolfgang and Annette

Lucky Tango for beginners

If you have already played with the idea of learning how to dance Tango Argentino some day but never found the time and leisure in your everyday life, the "Tango Holiday" at La Rogaia August 29 to September 5, 2015 might be THE opportunity ..

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Ornella is inviting you to her kitchen
Ornella is inviting you to her kitchen

New! Cookery class in Umbria, fall 2015

Due to popular demand we have added another cooking class from September 12 to 19,  2015 to our program. Let yourself be enchanted by Ornella's cuisine and her Mediterranean temperament ...

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The view from La Rogaia towards the Appennine Mountains
The view from La Rogaia towards the Appennine Mountains

Darling, we are going to the seaside! Don't forget to pack the ski

Italy has many different attractions and starting from La Rogaia one can quickly discover a wide variety of landscapes. It only takes a two-day trip. And what we have seen on a weekend in mid-March you can read here.


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Restaurant "La Bastiglia", Spello. Foto:
Restaurant "La Bastiglia", Spello. Foto:

Recommended Restaurants in Umbria

Even though we are pretty spoiled by the excellent cuisine of our cook Ornella, we sometimes like to eat out. Not many places in Umbria can take on Ornella's cooking skills, but the following restaurants are definitely worth a try.

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Bethlehem at Passignano

How do we actually celebrate Christmas here in Umbria? Of course, with plenty of good food: traditionally with Cappelletti in brodo (meat filled pasta in hat form in a strong broth), roast lamb, Sformato di gobbo (casserole of winter carding) and for dessert Torrone, Panettone, Pandoro, mandarins and dried figs. We are lucky as we may take part in the traditional family lunch with our cook and friend Ornella. So we get tocelebrate their joyous festival at a long long table. - But in addition to good food, what else is special here in Umbria? Wolfgang has written a short story about it. You will also find a video of the living nativity scene at Passignano sul Trasimeno ...

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Olives for the olive oil of La Rogaia. Photo: Peter von Felbert,
Olives for the olive oil of La Rogaia. Photo: Peter von Felbert,

About crowncut and tree-combers

This year the olive harvest at La Rogaia unfortunately was not very rich due to adverse climate conditions. Of course this is really a pity because usually the olive harvest is the highlight and the end of our harvesting season at La Rogaia, before life is slowing down once the winter arrives.

Yet what is happening in the olive orchard during the year?

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Pisano-fountain in front of the cathedral of Perugia
Pisano-fountain in front of the cathedral of Perugia. Photo: Steffen Müller

Umbria Sights - Perugia

Perugia is particularly attractive in the first half of July, when it hosts one of the most important jazz festivals in the world. But also in other times of the year Perugia is well worth a visit.

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Lake Trasimeno. Photo: Juliane Müller
Lake Trasimeno. Photo: Juliane Müller

Hiking and wellness weeks in Umbria

In May the Umbrian hills are covered with a fragrant carpet of flowers. The air is filled with the honey scent of broom flowers and all nature presents itself at its best.

The Villa La Rogaia offers hiking packages in May and July 2014

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