Get in touch with us:

Villa La Rogaia
Az. Agr. Annette Greifenhagen
Via Campagna 17
Castel Rigone
I-06065 Passignano s.T. (PG)

Call us at:
0039 075 845457 or 0039 340 545 9070
from most European countries
011 39 075 845457 or 011 39 340 545 9070 from the USA

If we are not in the office please leave a message on the answering machine. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


or per email:

Please send me informations about:
Who recommended Villa La Rogaia to you?


If you do not come on personal recommendation: How did you know about La Rogaia?

What is the sum of 3 and 8?


Yes, I have taken note of the privacy statement and I agree that the data, which I have personally provided, is collected and stored electronically. My data shall be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing my enquiry.  With the filling out and mailing of the contact form I agree the storage of my personal data.